i apologize for the crappy photos.
restaurant: veggie grill
location: sunset strip, west hollywood, ca
i'm not vegan nor am i vegetarian but veggie grill has quickly made its way to the top of my quick fix food restaurants.
and before i go too far into this post, as it is my first post, i am not a food snob by any means. no i don't have any kind of culinary training. i'm just a normal girl who likes to eat a lot. a LOT. i prefer lower cost foods as i'm not big on tiny portions. that being said, i don't discriminate eating any kinds of food. k. glad we got that out of the way.
whenever i go to veggie grill, which mind you is often, i always order the all hail kale. and i'm not typically the person who will order the same thing over and over again but every time i've ordered something else, i've been saddened. slightly. not because their other food is foul but because i really have a soft spot for the all hail kale. the ginger papaya dressing is the perfect salad dressing. not creamy so not filled with fat. but not so bland that i might as well have juiced a lemon over my salad.
after becoming hooked on vegan nachos, i can't imagine eating any other kind. i recently went to a restaurant and ordered their nachos. to my extreme disappointment, i got tortilla chips and mysteriously cold cheese. um no. pass. not worth the calories at all. (not that i count).
oh and to be honest, i'm not the most eloquent in written word. in fact, not at all. so forgive my lack of words most of the time. i try.
happy eating & may your food be worth the calories.